- The place to find services and information provided by Essex County Council and its partners.
Leicester City Council is the unitary authority serving the people, communities and businesses of Leicester, the biggest city in the East Midlands.
We're the local authority for Oxfordshire, committed to delivering top quality services and value for money on behalf of the county's 600,000+ residents.
Nottingham City Council supports a range of community focused services. Our team prides themselves on providing helpful service and aid to the wider community.
Official website of Redbridge Council providing details of all services, local information and community tools for residents, businesses and visitors
Hammersmith & Fulham Council website - we provide services and information for residents, local businesses, and the local community.
We work with our agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK’s businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country. We plan and...
Bournemouth Borough Council is the unitary authority responsible for local government in Bournemouth, Dorset.
Do business with Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council online, including paying your Council Tax, renewing your library books and many others.
Cornwall Council website - Information on council services and Cornwall
GOV.UK - The place to find government services and information - Simpler, clearer, faster
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) gives the government the valuations and property advice needed to support taxation and benefits. VOA is an executive agency, sponsored by HM...
A local authority covering areas such as planning Council Tax, rubbish and recycling, housing, tourism, leisure and other local services.
The VTS administers council tax and business rates appeals on behalf of the independent Valuation Tribunal for England.
Helping you search for Scottish Local Government Jobs. The national shared recruitment portal for Scotland's 32 local authorities and public sector bodies.
Middlesbrough Council provides services to residents, businesses and visitors. You can use our website to apply, report, and pay online 24 hours a day.
Thurrock Council is a unitary authority in the east of England, bordering with Greater London to the west and the River Thames to the south.