По данным alexa занимает 1,718,868 место в мире. Домен принадлежит доменной зоне .nu. Оценивается в сумму $ 720.00 и получает ежедневный доход в размере около $ 3.00. Поскольку никаких активных угроз не обнаружено, picmir.nu является безопасным для просмотра.
# Copyright (c) 1997- The Swedish Internet Foundation. # All rights reserved. # The information obtained through searches, or otherwise, is protected # by the Swedish Copyright Act (1960:729) and international conventions. # It is also subject to database protection according to the Swedish # Copyright Act. # Any use of this material to target advertising or # similar activities is forbidden and will be prosecuted. # If any of the information below is transferred to a third # party, it must be done in its entirety. This server must # not be used as a backend for a search engine. # Result of search for registered domain names under # the .se top level domain. # This whois printout is printed with UTF-8 encoding. # state: active domain: picmir.nu holder: (not shown) created: 2022-06-14 modified: 2022-12-20 expires: 2023-06-14 nserver: domain-may-be-for-sale-at.edoms.biz nserver: contact-us-at.edoms.biz dnssec: unsigned delegation registry-lock: unlocked status: ok registrar: ToolDomainsOOD
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